The Best London GIFs? Try HD Cinemagraphs instead!

Looking for a GIF of London for your digital marketing to use for example as a banner on your website? Why not instead consider a high quality HD Cinemagraph?

The problem with GIFs is that the quality of the video loop has to be compromised in order to be a reasonable size which won’t slow down any website it sits on.

My solution is shooting an HD (1920 X 1080p) or 4K cinemagraph, hosting it elsewhere and embedding just like a youtube video but smarter, without branding, meaning no delayed load time and no frustrated users. It could be a video loop, a cinemagraph or a timelapse.

Check out these cool London Cinemagraphs and Time-Lapse I created.

In the first example below I shot a timelapse of the construction of the Lexicon Tower (Mount Anvil) on City Road. Timelapse for construction sites are very popular and fantastic for marketing.

Lexicon Tower London - Construction Timelapse

OK, now how about using cinemagraphs to promote a place or tourist attraction? If a photo speaks a thousand words, how many for a cinemagraph?

Ever seen Piccadilly Circus this quiet yet strangely animated?

Piccadilly Circus London - Timelapse Cinemagraph

This next one was shot on Westminster Bridge. As you can see this is a Timelapse Cinemagraph, part of it is a still image and the rest is a timelapse. These are excellent to use as a full page background video on websites. They say first impressions count so let's never make boring homepages again.

Cinemagraphs are perfect for full page video backgrounds on websites

When marketing a restaurant, a hotel, a pub, how do you convey the real atmosphere of the place and attract new potential clients? Photos? Yes of course. But even better than that, try using a mix of photos and cinemagraphs for digital marketing campaigns and websites.

Lifestyle Cinemagraph

Drinks / Champagne Cinemagraph

So there you go, high quality cinemagraphs, timelapse and video loops with no compromise on quality. That way your website looks as good as it should.

Check out my entire cinemagraphs gallery and timelapse portfolio and let's have a chat!
