360 Photography - London

With 360 Photography, London is immediately a lot more immersive!

Evolve or prepare to go extinct. This should be any ambitious photographer's motto.

If you can't keep up with the latest trends you won't last long as a commercial photographer.

So that's what I do. When a client asks for something I've not necessarily looked much into before, I feel I have to learn how to do it so next time I don't have to say no.

First there was photography, then I added timelapse and cinemagraphs...


Truly immersive 360 degrees photography. 

Here's a 360 panorama I produced for the Nova development in Victoria for my client Land Securities:

Here's how the actual file looks flat:



This is an exciting way to showcase your venue, whether it they are interiors or exteriors and easy to publish on social media via Facebook 360 for photos + videos and YouTube 360 for videos.

Annotations such as text can be added directly onto the 360 photograph to call your viewer's attention on a particular element and text can be hidden only to be revealed when hovering over. Geometrical objects can also be added. 

This is particularly useful for projects in development such as construction and for presentations.

If you'd like to discuss a particular project, drop me a line or visit my 360 Degrees Photography gallery to see more!
